07 February 2007

Doing Alaska Proud

Former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel's quest for the presidency received some high-level coverage yesterday... of course, it's not exactly positive:

The larger disaster was the long harangue of former Alaska senator Mike Gravel, a strident critic of almost everything and promoter of a folly -- a national initiative process -- that not even a deranged blogger could love. Someone has to give him the hook before the real debates begin.
David Broder doesn't think too highly of Gravel's idea. I can't blame him, really. After Fairbanks' recent experience with the initiative and referendum process, who does?

I guess Gravel could always rely on the old saw, "I do not care what you say about me so long as you spell my name correctly."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WHAT? Gravel is now taking credit for the Alaska Permanent Fund? Puleease!